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Labia Majora reduction

Time of procedure
90-120 min
Pain level
After 6 months
from 80 000 RUB

Ptosis and hypertrophy of the labia majora can be a congenital or acquired problem with age. This problem called "Camel toes" or "Camel's Hoof" due to the characteristic look that acquire large labia in bikini and tight pants.

Reduction of the labia majora is performed for:

  • restoration of the normal anatomical structure of the labia majora
  • eliminate ptosis and hypertrophy of the labia majora
  • reduce excessive folding of the labia majora
  • correction of gaping of the vestibule of the vagina
  • enhance aesthetic appeal

PROCEDURE: Labia Majora reduction

PURPOSE:to eliminate congenital malformations and age-related involution of the Labia Majora tissue

HOW IT WORKS: Labia Majora reduction by radio wave scalpel

METHOD: after preliminary consultation with photofixation and determination of the required volume of excision, anesthesia is performed, excess tissue of the labia majora is excised, the wound is sutured with absorbable suture material

ANESTHESIA: local / general / spinal

CAUTION: the procedure must be performed by a specialist trained in intimate surgery